Pediatric Speech Therapy Services

Language Disorders in Children Treatment

Language is described as our form, content, and use of words to express ourselves to others. This is considered separate from speech disorders, which relate to our production of speech sounds. Typically, developing children could have deficits in language development without showing deficits in speech sounds.

Language is different from speech in many ways. Speech involves the physical production of sounds, while language focuses on the comprehension and expression of words, phrases, and even sentences in conversational and academic tasks. Language is composed of grammatical rules and vocabulary that allow us to make sense of the world around us. Language allows us to express ourselves verbally and in writing. It also allows us to understand what others are saying and reading in more than one language. Language also includes the ability to use abstract concepts and figurative language. Deficits in a child’s language can affect every aspect of their lives, including the development of daily skills, social and emotional skills, and academic skills. Therefore, while both speech and language involve communication with others, they are distinct aspects of communication with distinct roles in our ability to convey meaning.

Two Parts Of Language Skills:

Two main domains of language that we assess are expressive language and receptive language.

Expressive language skills refer to a child’s ability to express themselves. This includes the use of grammar, syntax, and word choice in order to communicate effectively. Expressing in this context does not necessarily mean emotional expression. An expressive language communication disorder can be caused due to a variety of factors. It is essential for clients who have difficulty expressing themselves to seek professional help from a speech language pathologist. Speech language pathology treatment can assess a child’s language disorder and develop a treatment plan to address the areas of difficulty and language delays. With proper assessment and language intervention from qualified professionals, many individuals

Receptive language skills refer to the ability to comprehend the meanings of spoken words and written texts. This includes being able to fully understand what is being said or read, as well as identify intended messages, specific concepts such as time or spatial information, and understand words in context. Receiving help from a speech language pathologist is important for children who are having difficulty with comprehension. A receptive language disorder can affect all aspects of a child’s life, including academic and social interactions and tasks. A speech therapist can assess a child’s strengths and weaknesses in this area and develop a plan to improve those deficits. Proper assessment and intervention are essential for children who have language deficits or delays so they can learn techniques to enhance their receptive language development.

How Do I Know If I or My Child Has a Language Disorder?

For children birth to age five, some language deficits could be related to a language delay or delayed speech development. They may also develop alongside other diagnoses or factors like a brain injury or hearing loss. A language disorder might also indicate trouble with reading, conversing with others easily, and expressing thoughts and feelings clearly.

There are a number of signs that may suggest your child has a language disorder. If there is difficulty understanding directions or expressing in ways appropriate for your child’s age, you should consult a qualified speech language pathologist.

A child with a language disorder may have some of the following signs:

  • Difficulty following directions
  • Difficulty naming objects
  • Difficult using written language and spoken language
  • Difficulties with sequential, temporal, or spatial concepts
  • Trouble understanding words
  • Trouble learning new words
  • Incorrect use of grammar in spoken sentences
  • Limited vocabulary
  • Difficulty understanding humor or abstract concepts (riddles, idioms, etc.)
  • Difficulty responding to questions or asking questions
  • Incorrect use of verbs, plurals, or possessive nouns when speaking

How Are Language Disorders Diagnosed?

Speech language pathologists should be consulted for a language evaluation to determine if a child’s communication skills indicate a language disorder. A language evaluation typically includes assessing receptive and expressive testing through standardized tests that compare a child’s skills to the language skill averages of peers their age. After evaluation tasks are completed, the speech language pathologist will analyze and compare scores to determine if any impairments exist that would qualify the child as having a language disorder. The diagnosis may involve other medical professionals who can provide further insight into potential causes as appropriate. With proper diagnosis, early intervention, language therapy treatment, and parent support, children with language disorders can often achieve significant improvement in their communication skills.

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