Screenings are tools that we use to determine if further evaluations and treatment are appropriate.

They can be a great option for someone looking to learn more about their children’s skills without an in-depth assessment and to determine if the next steps involve evaluations or not. If you pass a screening, evaluations may not be recommended; if you fail a screening, it is recommended that you attend a full evaluation.

Pediatric Screenings:

Early Intervention: Screening with a modified standardized tool (Rossetti) for early language skills and observation of feeding skills.

Comprehensive Speech Screening: Screening for oral motor movements and coordination, speech sound productions, and comprehension and expression of language! For kids over the age of 4, we can include hearing and reading screenings.

Swallowing Screening: Screening for motor and coordination of the oral structures and swallowing processes to ensure that children are biting, chewing, and swallowing safely! Children will be asked to consume some foods and drinks for observation of consumption.

Adult Screenings:

Cognitive/Language Screening: Screening for comprehension and expression of language, language retention and recall, working memory skills, and other cognitive skills can be screened through our screening process! Following a failed screener, we may recommend full testing.

Swallowing Screening: Screening for motor and coordination of the oral structures and swallowing processes. This is to ensure that adults are swallowing safely without any difficulties or pain! Adults will be asked to consume some foods and drinks for observation of consumption.